Household items you can add in your skincare routine

Household items you can add in your skincare routine

Regularly purchasing masks, moisturizers, and exfoliating cleansers can do a number on your wallet. Even worse, you don’t know exactly what kind of chemicals go into your beauty products. Instead of putting your face and hair in the hands of a name brand company, why not go natural? Good looks can start right at home. So many household items and kitchen ingredients can do the same jobs of your fancy, department store grooming products. Some even better. If you’re down for easy DIY projects and open to repurposing things like dryer sheets, tea bags and hemorrhoid cream, you can look your best and save some money in the process. So many big brands pushing moisturizing ingredients like coconut, grapeseed and olive oil, why not just go straight to the source? It may seem like a stretch, but if you’re looking to take a more natural approach to grooming or you’re just in a pinch and need a shaving cream alternative, these substitutes can really improve your skin. Try it!

Avocado. The oils found in avocados are very close to the oils found in the human epidermis, so they make a kick-ass moisturizers. An avocado face mask is a great way to replenish dry-looking skin. You might think that face masks are primarily a woman's thing, but if you think having cracked and painful skin is primarily a man's thing, it might be time to come out of the dark ages. To make an avocado face mask, mash half an avocado in a bowl with a fork. Then, mix two cups of water with a teaspoon of honey and add it to the mashed avocado. Spread the mixture evenly on your face and let sit for 10 minutes. Then rinse with warm water.

Cucumber. Cucumber is also extremely beneficial to those with irritated and acne-prone skin. This way you can fight breakouts without drying out or stinging your skin. Cucumber can also be rubbed directly on the skin, over acne spots, or even put under a sheet mask while waiting.

Egg yolk. Raw egg yolk can’t prevent a breakout, but it can act as a spot treatment to reduce the swelling and potential scarring of zits. That’s because egg yolks are full of vitamin A, which is the main ingredient in most acne-fighting topical creams. Simply crack an egg, separate the yolk, and then whip the yolk with a fork until it's well mixed. You can apply the mixture to the whole face or just dab some on to the zit itself. Wait for the yolk to dry — once it becomes uncomfortable and itchy, wash it off with warm water, and your zit should shrivel up in no time.

Honey. Honey is packed with enzymes, nutrients and antibacterial properties. For clear pores, take a teaspoon and apply to your clean, dry face. Wait about 20 minutes and rinse. When bacteria can’t grow, neither can acne. If you already have a pimple, you can dab on a little honey to bring down the redness. Think of it as a spot treatment.

Milk. Prolonged exposure to the elements can leave your hands looking and feeling dry and cracked. A little bit of milk can help heal hands that have been damaged from the outdoors or from physically demanding work. Milk’s high fat content acts as a natural moisturizer, and the lactic acid in milk removes the layers of dead skin that create dry, calloused hands.

To moisturize your hands and protect them against the elements, boil 2 cups of milk. Pour the milk into a bowl and let it cool until it’s lukewarm. Then, submerge your hands into the bowl and let them soak for 10 minutes. Remove your hands from the bowl and rinse them in cold water. This treatment will not only help heal rough hands, but it can also be used to prevent future dryness and flaking.

Olive Oil. Feet can get really grimy really quickly. Nobody wants to be that guy who ruins a hangout in the park or a day at the beach by taking off his shoes and subjecting everyone to his gross-ass feet. You can show your feet a little love by exfoliating them in a mixture of olive oil and salt. Olive oil is full of omega acids and vitamin E, which keeps skin smooth and prevents wrinkles. Salt helps to remove dead skin cells that lead to dryness. Mix a half cup of olive oil with a quarter cup of salt (sea salt works the best, but table salt will do just fine). Before taking a shower, rub the solution on your feet, and then allow it to rinse off during the shower.

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